Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Istana termewah dan termahal

1. Mohatta Palace, Karachi, Pakistan

2. King’s Palace Thailand

3. The Palace of Justice, Malaysia

4. Crystal Palace, London, England

5. Palace of Versailles, France

6. Bucaco Palace, Portugal

7. Sultan Qabous palace, Muscat

8. Blue Palace, Greece

9. Taj Mahal, India

10. Chateau de Versailles, Versailles, France

cerita masa lalu makassar

Nama Makassar begitu populer. Ada Kampung Makassar di Cape Town, Afrika Selatan, Makassar di Madagaskar, bahkan di Indonesia nama kampung Makassar begitu menggurita, pertanda hegemoni Makassar begitu besar pada masa lalu. Di Kota Bau-Bau, Sulawesi Tenggara, tak terkecuali, ada sebuah pulau yang juga berlabel Makassar, namanya Pulau Makasar (bukan dengan dua 'S'). Banyak cerita tersimpan di pulau nan cantik itu.

Umur Pulau Makasar diperkirakan sudah mencapai ratusan tahun. Ini dapat dilihat dari prasasti makam Sultan Buton VIII Mardan Ali atau Oputa Yi Gogoli yang terdapat di pulau seluas lebih kurang 10 kilometer persegi tersebut, antara tahun 1647 dan 1654. Hal itu dapat pula dikaitkan dalam sejarah Kerajaan Buton yang ditulis A Ligtvoet tahun 1887 yang menyiratkan asal-usul nama Pulau Makasar.

Disebutkan, pada tahun 1666 Gowa mengirim armada berkekuatan 20.000 personel untuk menggempur Buton yang dianggap melindungi Aru Palakka, pemberontak terhadap kekuasaan Raja Gowa. Aru Palakka yang adalah putra bangsawan Bone melarikan diri ke Buton pada tahun 1660. Dia diterima baik oleh Sultan Buton sehingga kemudian melahirkan ikrar kerja sama antara Buton dan Bone bahwa Buton adalah Bone Timur dan Bone adalah Buton Barat. Konon, waktu ke Buton, Aru Palakka ikut membawa putri Raja Gowa bernama Daeng Talele yang telah diperistri.

Pada akhir tahun 1666, Batavia mengirim pasukan ke Makassar lalu bergerak ke Buton yang sedang digempur oleh pasukan Gowa pimpinan Karaeng Bonto Marannu. Pasukan kompeni itu dipimpin Admiral Cornelis Speelman berkekuatan 500 orang Belanda dan 300 bumiputra, di antaranya termasuk Aru Palakka.

Pasukan Bonto Marannu pun kalah atas strategi militer dan persenjataan kompeni yang lebih modern. Sekitar 5.500 orangnya ditawan di sebuah pulau kecil di perairan Teluk Baubau. Pulau itu oleh orang Buton disebut Liwuto. Liwuto artinya pulau.

Tawanan perang tersebut kemudian dilepas oleh Sultan Buton setelah pasukan Belanda meninggalkan Buton untuk pergi ke Ternate. Menurut Ligtvoet, pelepasan itu dilakukan setelah pimpinan pasukan Gowa membayar tebusan.

Setelah peristiwa itu, Liwuto lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Pulau Makasar. Banyak versi yang berkembang ikhwal penamaan Pulau Makasar itu. Pertama, di sanalah tempat para hulubalang dan pendamping Arung Palakka diberi tempat bermukim oleh Sultan Buton karena enggan lagi kembali ke tanah Bugis.

Versi lain menyatakan bahwa pulau seluas 104 kilometer persegi itu diberi nama serupa dengan ibu kota Sulawesi Selatan karena di sanalah para pasukan Sultan Hasanuddin diberi wilayah permukiman. Sepasukan prajurit itu enggan pulang ke Gowa lantaran gagal menemukan buronan nomor satu Gowa, Arung Palakka. Selain itu, jika mereka gagal, maka hukuman dari raja sudah menanti.

Adapun pada versi lain ada klaim bahwa pulau yang diapit Pulau Buton dan Pulau Muna itu dulunya adalah tempat tawanan 5.500 pasukan Bontomarannu yang ditangkap oleh pasukan Kompeni-Arun Palakka yang didatangkan dari Batavia ketika Gowa menyerang Buton pada 1666.

Dalam perkembangannya lagi, tahun 1980-an, orang lebih populer menyebutnya Puma, singkatan dari Pulau Makasar. Walau nama Liwuto tetap diabadikan sebagai nama kelurahan di bagian timur pulau tersebut (Kelurahan Liwuto). Di Kelurahan Liwuto, terdapat satu kampung bernama Bone. Entah apakah ada kaitannya dengan nama Bone di Sulsel atau tidak, yang jelas, bone dalam bahasa lokal berarti pasir.

Perjalanan dari Kota Bau-Bau ke Puma tidak sampai setengah jam dengan menumpangi ojek laut “jarangka” atau perahu mesin tempel. Sepanjang perjalanan, kita dapat menyaksikan birunya laut yang masih relatif bersih. Sesekali kita melihat ikan melompat memperlihatkan kepalanya di atas permukaan air laut.

Di Puma kita dapat menjumpai sejumlah tempat wisata yang oleh masyarakat setempat sendiri tidak disadari sebagai tempat wisata. Di antaranya makam Sultan Buton VIII Mardan Ali yang terletak di depan kantor Kelurahan Liwuto. Di Puma ada dua kelurahan, yakni Kelurahan Liwuto dan Kelurahan Sukanayo. Awalnya, dua kelurahan tersebut masuk dalam Kecamatan Wolio yang berkedudukan di jantung Kota Bau-Bau. Sama halnya dengan Kelurahan Tomba dan Kelurahan Wale.

Secara historis, Puma pernah menjadi pusat distrik (pemerintahan). Kampung-kampung (sekarang kelurahan) dekat Puma, seperti Lowulowu dan Kalialia, masuk dalam satu distrik yang dipimpin La Samahu (almarhum). “Waktu itu, bila orang Lowulowu dan Kalialia hendak bepergian, mereka datang mengurus pas jalan di Puma,” ungkap Idien, pensiunan pegawai (PNS) Kelurahan Liwuto.

Selain menjumpai makam Sultan Buton VIII, di Puma juga kita masih mendapatkan sejumlah tempat bersejarah lainnya, seperti Goa Keramat atau “Liana Binte” yang terletak di lingkungan Tanjung Batu, ujung Puma bagian selatan yang berhadapan langsung dengan Kota Bau-Bau. Gua tersebut sejak puluhan tahun ini ditutup dengan batu besar. Konon, orang-orang tua dahulu menjadikan goa itu sebagai tempat bertapa untuk mendapatkan ilmu sakti.

Tidak jauh dari gua terdapat tebing tinggi yang cukup strategis untuk dibangun industri pariwisata bidang perhotelan. Pemandangan dari atas tebing tinggi itu sangat fantastis sehingga cocok jika di sana dibangun hotel berbintang. Dari tebing itu, Kota Bau-Bau rasanya bisa digenggam.

Pasir Baana Bungi memang bagus untuk bahan bangunan sebab butirannya agak kasar. Teksturnya berbeda dengan pasir putih yang ada di dua Kabungi-bungi lainnya, yang cukup halus. Pasir yang ini dapat diibaratkan seperti butiran tepung terigu.

Di Puma juga kita dapat menjumpai hasil kerajinan pertukangan kayu, mulai dari lemari, ranjang, hingga perabotan lain yang terbuat dari kayu jati. Tukang kayu di Puma tergolong terampil, bahkan mereka mengerjakan rumah hingga di Kota Bau-Bau dan Kendari.

Walaupun secara administratif Puma masuk dalam wilayah Kota Bau-Bau, nuansa alaminya masih sangat kental. Keheningan tanpa hiruk-pikuk kendaraan bermotor menjadi nuansa yang amat dominan. Hanya terdapat belasan sepeda motor, tidak ada mobil. Di daratan Puma belum ada jalan raya, kecuali garis-garis jalan setapak yang membelah blok-blok perkampungan penduduk. Sebagian jalan setapak itu telah dikeraskan dengan semen melalui proyek pengembangan kecamatan, dan sebagian lagi masih jalan tanah.

Kini nama Pulau Makasar makin mendunia dengan dilaksanakannya ajang wisata tahunan dengan tajuk Festival Perairan Pulau Makasar, sebagai bagian dari Visit Indonesian Years.

Pulau ter indah di dunia

Berikut ini adalah pulau-pulau terindah di dunia
Pertama (1st)

Usedom: The Singing Island
Though anchored to the German coast with bridges at both north and south ends (and a railway over the northern bridge), Usedom lies so far east that the eastern tip is actually part of Poland — you can walk down the beach from Ahlberg to the large commercial port of Swinoujscie. But it’s the German side that’s the tourist magnet, a beloved getaway since the early 19th century; Usedom has been nicknamed the “Bathtub of Berlin.” Usedom’s other nickname, “the singing island,” came about because the white sand of its 25-mile strand is so fine that it squeaks when you walk on it. A handful of nearby “wellness hotels” and thermal baths preserve old-world spa traditions. Landscaped garden promenades, open-air concert pavilions, and tree-lined side streets hark back to genteel seaside holiday traditions; each resort town also has a long pleasure pier extending into the Baltic, where you can still envision a parade of ladies with parasols and bustled dresses and gents in well-cut linen suits.
Kedua  2nd)

Bora Bora: Romantic Heaven on Earth
French Polynesia
Nothing says “ultimate honeymoon” quite like Bora Bora. The word is out — and has been for some time — about this French Polynesian island’s extraordinary natural beauty, and Bora Bora’s remoteness and high prices have kept the island’s luxurious mystique intact. Enchanting Bora Bora belongs to the exclusive, “so-preposterously-gorgeous-it-doesn’t-seem-natural” club of travel destinations. Even the most jaded globe-trotter duly drops his jaw when confronted with the spectacle of the lagoon and the iconic silhouette of Mount Otemanu in the background. Many visitors, in fact, never get farther than that perfect tableau of paradise, but excursions to the main island and its lofty interior are how you’ll get to the real heart of Bora Bora.
Ketiga  3rd)

Prince Edward Island: Beyond Green Gables
Sometimes all the Anne of Green Gables hoopla around Prince Edward Island gets to be a bit much. How can a century-old series of children’s books define an entire Canadian province? Drive around PEI’s low rolling hills blanketed in trees and crops, and that bucolic past celebrated in Lucy Maud Montgomery’s books makes sense after all. Beyond the jagged coast with its inlets and historic fishing villages, you’ll discover that small farms make up the island’s backbone. You can get in touch with the island’s Acadian heritage at the five Rusticos: the coastal villages of North Rustico, South Rustico, Rusticoville, Rustico Harbour, and Anglo Rustico. This inevitably brings you to Cavendish, the vortex of Anne of Green Gables country. You can see the farmstead that started it all, Green Gables, a solid white mid-19th-century farmhouse with green shutters (and, naturally, green gable points) that belonged to cousins of author Montgomery.
Keempat  4th)
Gorgona: Welcome to the Jungle
It hasn’t taken long for nature to regain complete control of Gorgona Island. From the 1950s to the 1980s, this landmass in the Pacific was a maximum security prison — Colombia’s Alcatraz — but the facility was closed and declared a natural national park in 1985; the jail buildings are now overgrown with dense vegetation, complete with monkeys swinging from vine to vine. Gorgona is one of those places where the natural environment is almost comically inhospitable to humans. Visitors who come ashore at Gorgona today are strictly supervised, limited to groups of 80 at a time, and forbidden from wandering too far away from the coastline, for fear of encountering deadly critters. Gorgona shelters a wealth of endemic plant and animal species in its rainforests, including the small (and endangered) blue lizard of Gorgona. Gorgona also has some of the finest sandy beaches in Colombia, backed by palm trees and a thick curtain of green, letting you know that the creepy-crawly jungle is never far away on this island.
Kelima  5th)

Malta: Crossroads of the Mediterranean
Walking the streets of most any Maltese town, you get the vague sense that you’re in some kind of greatest hits of European architecture — a little London here, echoes of Paris there, maybe a touch of Rome in that baroque church facade. And it’s no wonder: the Phoenicians, the Carthaginians, the Romans, the knights of St. John, the French, and the British all swept in from their respective compass points and left indelible reminders of their conquests. Malta today is a modern and well-run island nation, with its illustrious laurels of history on full view. The walled city of Mdina, on Malta proper, is superbly evocative of the island’s medieval era. Descendants of the noble families — Norman, Sicilian, and Spanish — that ruled Malta centuries ago still inhabit the patrician palaces that line the shady streets here. In summer, the coastal resort towns of Sliema and St. Julian’s, just outside Valletta, come alive with holidaymakers and yacht-setters, and the cafe-filled promenades fronting the teal sea are the epitome of the Mediterranean good life.

Lamu: Exotic Enclave
Just 2 degrees south of the Equator, off the east coast of Kenya, Lamu is a place that seems stuck in time. For centuries, it was a bustling Indian Ocean port of call and an important link in the spice trade; that atmosphere is totally palpable here today. Lamu is like an exotic stage set that also happens to have amazing beaches. The streets of Lamu are quiet, cool, and car-free, lined with thick-walled white stone buildings, their arches and decorative cutouts evoking the centuries of Muslim influence here; Lamu was founded by Arab traders in the 1400s. The entire island has one proper town — the busy Lamu Town, which, as the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Monuments here include the turreted Lamu Fort and Riyadha Mosque (both from the 19th Century), but the most interesting sights are the much more ancient, nameless traditional houses, some of which date back to Lamu Town’s 14th-century foundations.
Ketujuh  7th)

Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego: El Fin del Mundo
Argentina and Chile
Several centuries ago, the only inhabitants of the southern extremity of South America were the native Yahgan Indians. To survive in the inhospitable climate of this land, the Yahgans made ample use of fire. The campfires continuously burning here were so numerous and so bright that when the first Europeans to explore the region saw them from the sea, they called the whole place Tierra del Fuego (“Land of Fire”). Today, the name Tierra del Fuego applies to the group of islands that make up the southern tips of both Argentina and Chile. Isla Grande — as its name suggests — is the largest landmass in the archipelago, with territories belonging to both those countries. Not far from Isla Grande, though it’s actually a separate small island in the Tierra del Fuego group, is the real southernmost tip of South America and one of the most fabled sites in the story of seafaring: Cape Horn. Before the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914, rounding “the Horn” was the only way for ships to get between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, and its hostile waters were — and still are — notorious for the challenges they posed to sailors. Strong winds and currents, enormous waves, and even icebergs sent many a seaman to his watery grave.

Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego: El Fin del Mundo
Argentina and Chile
Several centuries ago, the only inhabitants of the southern extremity of South America were the native Yahgan Indians. To survive in the inhospitable climate of this land, the Yahgans made ample use of fire. The campfires continuously burning here were so numerous and so bright that when the first Europeans to explore the region saw them from the sea, they called the whole place Tierra del Fuego (“Land of Fire”). Today, the name Tierra del Fuego applies to the group of islands that make up the southern tips of both Argentina and Chile. Isla Grande — as its name suggests — is the largest landmass in the archipelago, with territories belonging to both those countries. Not far from Isla Grande, though it’s actually a separate small island in the Tierra del Fuego group, is the real southernmost tip of South America and one of the most fabled sites in the story of seafaring: Cape Horn. Before the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914, rounding “the Horn” was the only way for ships to get between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, and its hostile waters were — and still are — notorious for the challenges they posed to sailors. Strong winds and currents, enormous waves, and even icebergs sent many a seaman to his watery grave.
Kesembilan  9th)

Mauritius: Sophisticated Paradise
Isolated in the Indian Ocean, 1,243 miles east of mainland Africa, Mauritius may be tiny, but there’s never a shortage of things to do. With a coastline ringed by coral reefs, and calm, clear, shallow lagoon waters, the island is ideal for all sorts of water sports; the unspoiled interior offers sights of spectacular natural beauty as well. Tourism on Mauritius is a relatively new phenomenon, however, and so far it’s definitely geared toward the higher-end traveler. Mauritius today is an amalgam of Creole, Indian, Chinese, and French peoples (there was never an indigenous population), with Creole and French the dominant flavors. Its most famous resident, however, may have been the flightless dodo bird, a rare species discovered here by the first Dutch visitors and soon driven to extinction by the settlers’ wild pigs and macaques.

Ile Sainte-Hélène & Ile Notre-Dame: Beaucoup Recreation
Montreal, Canada
Montreal’s richest repositories of recreational opportunities are its two playground islands in the middle of the St. Lawrence River, Ile Sainte-Hélène and Ile Notre-Dame. Developed for Montreal’s Expo 67, they remain prime destinations for the 21st century. Ile Sainte-Hélène has long been a fixture in Montreal’s history. Following the War of 1812, defenses such as a fort, a powder house, and a blockhouse were built here to protect the city. The island was converted into parkland in 1874, but Ile Sainte-Hélène returned to military duty in World War II. Conversely, Ile Notre-Dame was built entirely from scratch, using 15 million tons of rocks excavated for tunnels for the Montreal Metro in 1965. The La Ronde Amusement park was built on Sainte-Hélène for the exposition; operated today by Six Flags, it offers world-class roller coasters and thrill rides. Most of the Expo 67 pavilions were dismantled in the years following the fair; the pavilions of France and Quebec became Ile Notre-Dame’s Montreal Casino and the American pavilion became Ile St. Helene’s Biosphere attraction, which has exhibits on environmental issues.
The next on :
The most beautiful island
Bali, Indonesia

The Island of Bali in Indonesia is an Ultimate Island and a perfect holiday destination for people who are seeking adventure and a totally relaxing moment. Bali has earned itself a long string of plaudits, including the “Morning of the World,” “Island of the Gods” and the “Last Paradise on Earth.” Although it has undergone much development, most of the island still deserves those appellations. Its natural beauty, the colorful Balinese Hindu festivals and the friendliness of the people lure vacationers here again and again. The Bali Island is the most popular and world renowned vacation paradise in Indonesia since year after year, this island is voted by the readers of all major travel magazines. The Island of Bali is most enchanting and amazing travel and holiday destination in the whole world.
Bali Island: The Perfect Tropical Holiday Destination
The Island of Bali in Jakarta Indonesia offers a wide range of attraction to tourist, visitors and adventure seekers. This island is highly regarded by tourist and visitors as the “Ultimate Island” because of its physical beauty and the climate is very pleasant all year-round. This perfect island holiday destination is also offering various and different customs to tourist. The Island of Bali has many amusements available for visitors and tourist. There are also many inland and offshore attractions. But there are also many attractions that rise every now and then because of the number of tourist and visitors that want them. Tourist especially Americans, Europeans and Australians like to be here in this tropical island of Bali because of the unique blend of modern facilities combined with traditional of past heritage.
Tropical Island of Bali Indonesia Tourist Spot
Beautiful Beaches and Lakes
The Island of Bali is blessed with world class white sand beautiful beaches and beautiful nature. The endless sand beaches enveloped most of Bali’s shores where silvery waves. The beaches of The Island of Bali are amazing and magnificent. From the stretch of sand in Kuta, fenced far in the South by the runway of Denpasar International Airport; the peaceful elegance of Nusa Dua; the mysterious quietness and somberness of Candidasa, as a temple dedicated to the sea goddess submerges; to the spectacular sunsets of Lovina in the North. Since we are speaking of beaches, there is one attraction that the beaches of Bali that attracts most to the adventurers and especially the surfers, the waves. The Tropical Island of Bali is one of the beat surfing destination in the world. Experienced surfers around the world come here to Bali Island to challenge the great and wildest waves. Not only the sea that gives attraction in Bali Island but also Lakes. There are four lakes in Bali. Lake Batur, the old crater of Mount Batur, is the largest. Kintamani offers an excellent panoramic view of the lake, and the lake itself effectively fences in the Bali Aga people in Trunyan. Lake Bratan, the second largest, is near the town of Bedugul. Lake Buyan and Lake Temblingan are also near.
Bali Island World Class Beach Resort
Bali Island Water Sports
Bali Island has many exciting activities to offer especially watersports. Since This tropical island paradise has a tropical climate all year round, this island is good for diving and watersports. There are lots of diving operators that operate in Bali. The popular watersports that Bali Island has to offer to tourist are kiteboarding, kitsurfing, surfing, diving, offshore rafting and many more. The white water rafting is the most popular waterport here in Bali and the offshore rafting or ocean rafting comes next.
Bali Ultimate Island Vacation Paradise
Bali Island Surfing and Diving
The Tropical Island of Bali is an island paradise that is surrounded by crystal clear blue water. Here in Bali Island, there is an all year long sunshine and it gives a very good chance of many offshore attractions. The Island of Bali is also popular for diving and snorkeling in which are among the major attractions in Bali. Experienced and novice divers around the globe will experience and many underwater marine creatures such as beautiful and colorful coral reefs and tropical fish. Bali diving sites offers a lot of beginners and professional divers. There are abundant soft and ahrd coral reefs with a variety of marine life such as dolphins, rays, turtle, sea snakes and moray eels. There are many unexplored, unexploited and uninhibited dive sites in Bali that are also best in diving. The waters of the Tropical Island of Bali is offering magnificent waves that is perfect for surfing. Surfing in Bali Island is introduced by Australian surfers in the 60’s. Because of the good tropical climate in Bali, surfers can surf everyday. Out-standing reef breaks are found in Kuta and Sanur. Sanur reef is a real pleasure because, here you will find a tube-forming wave that will carry you back to the seashore and in this way.

Orang terkaya di dunia

Taipan asal Meksiko, Carlos Slim Helu, tahun ini tetap menjadi orang terkaya di dunia. Kekayaan konglomerat telekomunikasi ini bertambah 20,5 miliar dollar AS dibandingkan tahun lalu menjadi 74 miliar dollar AS sehingga berada di pucuk orang terkaya sedunia berdasarkan daftar 2011 Billionaires List yang dikeluarkan Forbes.
Pendiri Microsoft, Bill Gates, dan pemilik Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet, yang hartanya “hanya” bertambah 3 miliar dollar AS harus puas berada di posis kedua dan ketiga dengan masing-masing nilai kekayaan sebesar 56 miliar dollar AS dan 50 miliar dollar AS. Yang menarik, 70 persen sumber kekayaan Gates ternyata bukan dari Microsoft, melainkan dari hasil investasi di Meksiko. Gates berinvestasi di pasar saham, perusahaan minuman ringan Femsa dan Grupo Televisa di negeri tersebut.
Posisi keempat ditempati pria Perancis sekaligus orang terkaya di Eropa, Bernard Arnault, yang mempunyai harta senilai 41 miliar dollar AS. Harta Arnault melonjak 13,5 miliar dollar AS berkat kepemilikan sahamnya di perusahaan produk-produk mewah Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH). Di posisi kelima ada Larry Ellison, pendiri perusahaan Oracle, dengan kekayaan 39,5 miliar dollar AS. Di urutan keenam adalah Lakshmi Mittal, konglomerat baja India dengan nilai 31,1 miliar dollar AS.
Adapun Amancio Ortega dari Spanyol dengan kekayaan 31 miliar dollar AS menduduki posisi tujuh, kedelapan Eiko Batista dari Brasil (30 miliar dollar AS), kesembilan Mukesh Ambani dari India (27 miliar dollar AS), dan di posisi 10 ditempati pemilik ritel raksasa Walmart Keluarga Christy Walton dengan harta 26,5 miliar dollar AS. Pada tahun ke-25 ini, Billionaires List memecahkan dua rekor, yakni dari segi jumlah miliarder yang terdaftar dengan 1.219 orang dan nilai kekayaan yang mencapai 4,5 triliun dollar AS.


Net Worth : $74.0 Billion
Fortune : Self made
Source : Telecom
Age : 71
Country Of Citizenship : Mexico
Residence : Mexico City
Industry : Telecommunications
Education : NA
Marital Status : Widowed, 6 children

Net Worth : $56.0 Billion
Fortune : Self Made
Source : Microsoft
Age : 55
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Medina, Washington
Industry : Software
Education : Harvard University, Drop Out,
Marital Status : Married, 3 children

Net Worth : $50.0 Billion
Fortune : Self Made
Source : Berkshire Hathaway
Age : 80
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Omaha, Nebraska
Industry : Investments
Education : Columbia University, Master of Science
Marital Status : Widowed, remarried, 3 children

Net Worth : $41.0 Billion
Fortune : Inherited and Growing
Source : LVMH
Age : 62
Country Of Citizenship : France
Residence : Paris
Industry : Retail
Education : Ecole Polytechnique, Bachelor of Arts / Science
Marital Status : Married, 5 children

Net Worth : $39.5 Billion
Fortune : Self made
Source : Oracle
Age : 66
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Redwood City, California
Industry : Software
Education : University of Illinois, Drop Out
Marital Status : Married, 2 children

Net Worth : $31.1 Billion
Fortune : Inherited and Growing
Source : Steel
Age : 60
Country Of Citizenship : India
Residence : London
Industry : Steel
Education : St Xavier’s College Calcutta, Bachelor of Arts/Science
Marital Status : Married, 2 children

Net Worth : $31.0 Billion
Fortune : Self Made
Source : Zara
Age : 74
Country Of Citizenship : Spain
Residence : La Coruna
Industry : Retail
Education : NA
Marital Status : Married, 3 children

Net Worth : $30.0 Billion
Fortune : Self Made
Source : Mining, Oil
Age : 53
Country Of Citizenship : Brazil
Residence : Rio de Janeiro
Industry : Retail
Education : RWTH Aachen University, Drop Out
Marital Status : Divorced, 2 children

Net Worth : $27.0 Billion
Fortune : Inherited and Growing
Source : Petrochemicals
Age : 53
Country Of Citizenship : India
Residence : Mumbai
Industry : Manufacturing
Education : University of Bombay, Bachelor of Arts/Science
Marital Status : Married, 3 children

Net Worth : $26.5 Billion
Fortune : Walton Family
Source : John T.Walton
Age : 55
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Jackson, Wyoming
Industry : Walmart, First Solar
Education : University of Arkansas, College of Business Administration
Marital Status : Married, 1 children

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Planet baru mirip BUMI

Planet baru mirip BumiWah ada kabar baik lagi neh sob, yang ini datang nya dari eropa, tapi ane kagak tahu benar atau tidaknya. katanya Para ahli ruang angkasa dari Eropa sedang gencar-gencarnya mencari planet lain yang mirip dengan bumi. Dan pada Selasa 21 April lalu, mereka mengumumkan telah menemukan dua planet yang ukurannya hampir sama dengan bumi. Planet yang mereka temukan disebut Gliese 581 e. Sebelumnya, telah ditemukan planet yang berdekatan dan disebut Gliese 581 d. planet yang berada di luar tata surya kita, yang mirip dengan planet Bumi yang kita huni. jarak bumi dengan planet tersebut kurang lebih 20.5 tahun cahaya. planet yang mengorbit dalam waktu 13 hari pada bintang induknya itu diperkirakan memiliki kandungan air di permukaannya, dengan suhu planet 0 - 40 derajat celcius.

Kata Para ahli luar angkasa kedua tempat tersebut kemungkinan bisa dijadikan tempat tinggal manusia. wah bener gak ia,,?

"Adanya bebatuan dan karang pada planet tersebut membuat kami mengambil kesimpulan planet itu dapat dijadikan tempat tinggal oleh manusia," kata Michel Mayor, seorang ahli fisika astronomi dari University Geneva di Swiss.

Namun dalam banyak cara lainnya, planet ini adalah "binatang kejam yang sangat berbeda" dari Bumi yang kita tinggali, kata para ilmuwan.

"Pada dasarnya ini adalah satu samudera luas," kata kepala peneliti David Charbonneau dari Pusat Astrofisika Smithsonian, Universitas Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts.(Di planet ini) tidak ada satu pun benua yang mengambang di atas atau menyeruak dari air."

Ukuran Gliese 581 e adalah 1,9 kali ukuran bumi dan letaknya dekat dengan bintang yang menyinarinya. Gliese 581 d, dan Gliese 581 e, berada dalam konstelasi Libra dan ditemukan dengan menggunakan teleskop observatorium yang ada di La Silla, Chili.

Untuk membuat penemuan ini, para peneliti menggunakan peralatan yang sangat sensitif yang bisa mengukur perubahan kecil pada kecepatan sebuah bintang ketika terjadi tarik-menarik gravitasi dengan sebuah planet yang berdekatan.

Para astronom terpaksa menggunakan metoda tak langsung dalam mendeteksi planet tersebut karena teknologi teleskop yang dimiliki saat ini kesulitan merekam gambar obyek angkasa yang sangat jauh atau yang bercahaya redup -apalagi ketika obyek tersebut mengorbit dekat dengan bintang bercahaya.

Mungkin sekarang kita punya banyak pertanyaan apakah di sana ada kehidupan layaknya di bumi, jika ada makhluk apa yang menghuni, dan seperti apa,?

Pesulap ter hebat di dunia

1 – Harry Houdini.
Pesulap terhebat sepanjang masa ini bisa melepaskan diri dari ikatan tali ,kubah,dan bermacam peti, dan tentunya borgol dan rantai.Dan dia seorang escapologist, stunt performer, actor and film producer.
2 – David Blaine.

Dia adalah ilusionis amerika yang sangat mengagumkan………..
3 – David Copperfield

Ilusi-ilusinya  membuat banyak orang tercengang menyaksikannya. Salah satunya ilusi mengangkat beberapa penonton hingga terbang melayang..
4. Harry Blackstone Sr
Dengan gaya yang elegan,Blackstone membuat sulap menyenangkan dan khyalan yang juga menghibur…
5 – Doug Henning
Seperti Copperfield dan magician lainnya yang telah mengikutinya. Ia membuat bahan pokok untuk televisi.Dalam setahun pertunjukan sulapnya mendapat perhatian sebanyak 60 juta penonton.
6 – Criss Angel

Satu dari para magician baru.Angel’s broadway show Mindfreak banyak diikuti.Angel mempersiapkan shownya tahun ini di Vegas
7 – Mark Wilson.

Bersama istrinya sekaligus assistentnya ia tampil di televisi saat tahun 60-an,dialah yang megajari ku “menghilang” saat aku harus menghindari ayahku,aku menyukainya .
8 – Siegfried and Roy

9 – Lance Burton

10 – Richiardi

Hewan-hewan terlangkah di dunia

1. The Pinta Island tortoise

Adanya di kepulauan pinta. Msuk dalam spesies Giant Galapagos Turtoise. Paling langka di dunia soalnya tinggal 1 doang yang masih hidup, which is gak bias berkembang biak lagi.

2. Baiji (Yangtze River Dolphin)

Cuma ada 10 dari binatang ini. Adanya di Cina. Aneh yah lumba – lumba nya

3. The Vancouver Island Marmot

Adanya di Vancouver Island, di British Columbia. Tinggal tersisa 75 ekor doang. Tapi udah berhasil dikembang biakan menjadi sekitar 150 ekor dan sekitar 44 yang baru lahir.

4. Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat

Tinggal di Madagascar, Cuma ada kurang dari 100 ekor di dunia. Tapi para ahli masih berusaha buat ngembangin lagi.
5. Javan Rhino

BADAK JAWADari 60 yang diketahui, tempat tinggalnya Cuma ada 2 di jawa ( Indonesia) sama di Vietnam. Nih badak masih sering diburu di Malaysia, Sumatra, India buat diambil culanya.

6. Hispid hare

Biasa disebut “Bristly Rabbit” bias ditemukan di Himalaya, Nepal, Bengal, and Assam. Cuma bias ditemukan sekitar 110 ekor di dunia.

7. Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat

Gw sendiri gak tau ni binatang apa. Bisa ditemukan di New South Wales and Victoria (Ausi ) tapi sekarang Cuma bias ditemukan di taman nasional dekat Epping Forest Station di Queensland. Cuma ditemukan sekitar 113 ekor doang.

8. Tamaraw (Dwarf Water Buffalo)

Ditemukan di Philippines. Lucu yah ni kerbau, liat kupingnya deh. Pertama kali dinyatakan terancam punah tahun 2000. kini tinggal tersisa sekitar 30 – 200 ekor. Masih sering diburu sama pemburu liar.

9. Iberian Lynx

The Lynx. Ini kucing, bukan singa. Sesuai namanya, nih kucing adanya di Iberian ( kalo gak salah di spanyol). Cuma sekarang biasa ditemukan hanya di Andalusia. Kebanyakan mati karena kena perangkap, yang sebenarnya digunakan buat nangkap hewan buruan kayak kelinci. Cuma ada 100, turun dari 400 saat tahun 2000.

10. Red Wolf

Serigala ini masih sodaraan sama gray wolf, tapi ukurannya lebih kecil. Sekarang tempat tinggal mereka ada di timur laut North Carolina. Tinggal 20 ekor red wolves murni ditemukan tahun 1980, tapi sekarang sudah berkembang lebih dari 200 ekor.